Contact Me

Contact Me Info

Want me to review a book?
If you are an author, agent, or just someone who thinks that I'd like a certain book, then you can email
me with the Title, Overview, Genre, and Author. If I find the premise interesting I will gladly read it and give an honest review of what I think about it.
To see what books I will accept go here:

Want me to Beta Read for you?
If you are an author/agent who has a book that you believe I could enjoy I will gladly take an email from you asking about if I'm interested in BR for you/your client. Keep in mind to put in the: Title, Overeview/Blurb, Genre, and any additional information, i.e. if the book has a needed finishing time or other important info you need. When beta reading I read and give you feedback on whether I liked the book, and whether or not it has slow characters, parts, is too boring, if it lags, or sometimes even if something doesn't make enough sense or have enough detail. - I have done this before for my mother on some of her books - unpublished as of yet. But I do know what I'm doing. I could be persuaded to write down spelling mistakes or similar errors and let you know about them, but it would depend on how much time when I accept your book.

Am I taking requests right now?
As of mid-August, no I am not. It's gotten too busy to have much time to help out other authors and other stuff. If you would like me to BR or review keep looking at this page and others to see if I am open for requests.

Contact me with the Contact form on the right.

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