Born of Defiance (League #8)

Born of Defiance (League #9) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Born an Outcast, Talyn Batur has spent the whole of his life fighting against the prejudice of his people. An Andarion without a father is not something anyone wants to be.

But when his companion’s brother draws him into a plot against the Andarion crown, he finds himself torn between the loyalty to their planetary government that his mother has beaten into him and his own beliefs of justice and right.

Now, he must decide for himself to remain a pawn of their government or to defy everything and everyone he’s ever known to stand up to tyranny. It’s a gamble that will either save his life or end it. And when old enemies align with new ones, it’s more than just his own life at risk. And more than just his homeworld that will end should he fail.
This book like all Sherri's others is perfect. It's got fighting, romance, descriptiveness, and phenomenal characters. I did the same thing I do every time she comes out with a book:


I'll admit that during this book I hated his father (his father is someone you know from other books), but I also adore his father so it was really hard to hate him when I know most of his story. But gah did I adore Talyn. He was a great hero. Badass until he got around Felicia and then he was shy and sweet and full of sarcasm which was perfect. Then you have his mother Galene, who from his descriptions seems bad, just absolutely adores him and vice versa. Felicia was a good character, I liked how she was not completely badass like Sharhara, Desideria, or Sumi. She was more like Kiara in she had a hidden fire that only comes out when her loved ones are threatened.

I also adore how this book takes place before Nykyrian's book and then Sherrilyn twines it into this book just perfectly. I adored this book like all of Kenyon's others and finished it in around 8 hours.

If you want to start the series the first book is Born of Night. you can find it and all the others in order here.
I'd recommend this book to sci fi fantasy and romance readers. It does have some mature parts like all of Sherrilyn's adult books. So I suggest you read them first and then decide about your kids reading them. Other than that I'd recommend any of her books. I adore her Dark Hunter series, The League, B.A.D Agency series - all adult audience books, and The Chronicles of Nick - teen audience. She is my favorite author, I highly suggest reading her books.

Rating  - 100/10

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